{"pageProps":{"pageMeta":[{"title":"Async functions with React's useEffect hook","description":"What is the easiest way to call an async function in useEffect?","date":"09-18-2020","path":"/async-useeffect"},{"title":"The semantic meaning of colors","description":"What do the colors on your website convey to your users?","date":"09-18-2020","path":"/color-meaning"},{"title":"Don't be fooled by NODE_ENV","description":"NODE_ENV is often misunderstood, but not by you after reading this post.","date":"06-04-2020","path":"/dont-be-fooled-by-node-env"},{"title":"Conditional styles with Emotion's css prop","description":"Use CSS-in-JS with Emotion to conditionally style React components.","date":"06-18-2020","path":"/emotion-conditionals"},{"title":"Flutter vs. React Native - A detailed evaluation","description":"Comparing the two most popular cross-platform native development frameworks.","date":"11-13-2020","path":"/flutter-vs-react-native"},{"title":"How to make better technology decisions","description":"As software developers, technology decisions can make or break your business. With so many choices available, we need a sane decision making process.","date":"11-12-2020","path":"/how-to-make-better-technology-decisions"},{"title":"I like my cookies delicious and httpOnly","description":"Recent recommendations are telling you to use httpOnly cookies for your sensitive tokens and you should listen.","date":"07-10-2020","path":"/http-only-cookies"},{"title":"How to get the element with the max value in a JavaScript array","description":"The Array.reduce method may seem awkward at first, but it is a great option to find the element with the max value in a JavaScript array.","date":"11-02-2020","path":"/javascript-find-element-with-max-value"},{"title":"JavaScript object to array","description":"Follow this pattern anytime you need to convert a JavaScript object to an array.","date":"11-06-2020","path":"/javascript-object-to-array"},{"title":"How I chose the color palette for this site","description":"As a non-designer, I never feel comfortable with the design side of web development.","date":"05-08-2020","path":"/palette"},{"title":"How to use React Hook Form with Material UI","description":"Use React Hook Form for performant, flexible and extensible forms with Material UI components.","date":"10-16-2020","path":"/react-hook-form-material-ui"},{"title":"React master/detail pattern","description":"You most likely use React keys for list items but the key prop has other important uses as well. One of those is the master/detail pattern that every React developer should know.","date":"05-25-2020","path":"/react-master-detail-pattern"},{"title":"Why I can't live without review apps","description":"Review apps enable teams to deploy near-exact replicas of production applications.","date":"12-01-2020","path":"/review-applications"},{"title":"Simple GraphQL with Fauna","description":"How I am using the fauna-gql-upload package to simplify my Fauna GraphQL development workflow.","date":"10-28-2020","path":"/simple-graphql-with-faunadb"},{"title":"Starting a web infrastructure team","description":"We recently introduced a Web Infrastructure team at my company. We are only a few weeks in but it has been an interesting experience so I thought I'd share the journey.","date":"05-19-2020","path":"/starting-a-web-infrastructure-team"},{"title":"This blog is built with MDX","description":"MDX is Markdown + JSX, which creates a nice blend of Markdown's simplicity with the power of React when you need it.","date":"05-16-2020","path":"/this-blog-is-built-with-mdx"},{"title":"Unit testing Next.js API routes","description":"Next.js API routes are lovely but how do you write unit tests for them?","date":"07-23-2020","path":"/unit-testing-nextjs-api-routes"},{"title":"Why is Google not showing my favicon?","description":"Your favicon may be recognized by web browsers but Google has additional expectations if you want your favicon to appear in search results.","date":"10-06-2020","path":"/why-is-google-not-showing-my-favicon"}]},"__N_SSG":true}